Dr Taller Dental Your Dentist In Riverdale in the Bronx NY Invisalign image

To assist people in Riverdale, the Bronx and Westchester who want to straighten their crooked teeth or improve their “bite”, Dr. Taller offers clear aligner treatment. 

dr taller dental 2 Clear Orthodontic Aligners Dr. Taller Dental

Orthodontics has gained popularity over the last few decades since most people have come to realize its impact on oral health. For years, metal braces had been the main option when patients needed orthodontic treatment to correct their bite and their smile. According to Dr. Taller, people prefer clear plastic trays or “aligners” to metal braces because they are good-looking and effective. 

Dr. Taller utilizes Invisalign as it is the best quality and more effective brand of clear aligners. Here are some of the advantages:

Invisalign® is a non-invasive orthodontic system that doesn’t require metal bands or sharp wires. Instead, it relies on a series of clear aligners, smooth plastic trays that are worn in a specific sequence to help move teeth into better alignment.

Invisalign® aligners can be removed for eating as well as for brushing and flossing, so you can eat normally and you can care for your teeth the same way you always have. Because they’re made of smooth medical-grade plastic, there are no sharp metal edges or wires to irritate your lips or gums.

Invisalign® is completely customized to your mouth, so treatment can often be completed faster – usually in under two years. Because the aligners are clear, they’re virtually undetectable while you’re wearing them. 

Invisalign also uses active components, such as attachments that are used to control the results. They are tiny tooth-colored attachments placed on your teeth to give the aligners the ability to make more precise and complex movements possible.

Invisalign is a tried and trusted product using state-of-the-art software. With this software, all treatments can be accurately planned out beforehand, which means that the best possible solutions for your circumstance will be mapped out. Therefore, guesswork is eliminated, and you can see your teeth move from where they are to where they will be at the end of the treatment.

Here’s a video explaining Invisalign:

How does Dr. Taller correct my crooked teeth?

Dr. Taller first takes an intraoral 3D scan of your teeth which is analyzed by a special computer system. The computer creates a series of three-dimensional models of your teeth, showing how they need to move to become straight. Dr. Taller works diligently with the software and an Invisalign technician to create a series of custom aligners just for you. About every two weeks during treatment, you’ll replace the aligner you’re wearing with the next one in the series to keep your teeth moving into place. You’ll have office visits every six weeks or so to monitor your progress.

iNVISALIGN 1 BEFORE AND AFTER Clear Orthodontic Aligners Dr. Taller Dental

Can clear aligners be used for all types of alignment issues?

No, although Invisalign® has a wide variety of applications, it may not the best choice for every alignment and occlusion issue. The best way to find out if Invisalign® is right for you is to schedule an exam and consultation with Dr. Taller so he can determine the best course of treatment for you. Dr. Taller is located at 3601 Waldo Avenue, Riverdale, NY 10463. Call 718-543-3704 for an appointment or schedule online.


Invisalign image Clear Orthodontic Aligners Dr. Taller Dental




© 2016 - Dr. Samuel H. Taller