MILK teeth health Dr. Taller Dental

Do you brush and floss every day but still get cavities? The difference between a healthy smile and tooth problems could be in the foods you eat. 

You already know that sugar and acid in your diet cause cavities. However, there are many types of food can improve your oral health. Here are some foods which can prevent cavities, periodontal (gum) disease and even freshen your breath.

Foods rich in calcium and phosphorous

Tooth enamel is composed of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Eating foods rich in them is necessary if you want to keep your teeth strong and healthy. 

*Good sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, cheese, seafood, and almonds.

*Good sources of phosphorous include red meat, eggs, fish, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds.

MILK teeth health Dr. Taller Dental

Foods rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C can help your gums stay healthy. Vitamin C is required to make collagen, a protein needed for your gums to heal.

*Good source of vitamin C are oranges, peppers, kiwi, strawberries and broccoli.

Oranges teeth health Dr. Taller Dental

Foods rich in vitamin D

Vitamin D is crucial for your health in general, but it’s important for healthy teeth also.

*Good source are egg yolks, fish and cod liver oil. Sunlight will also give you vitamin D

steak teeth health Dr. Taller Dental

Foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants fight the bacteria, inflammation, and removes toxins. Antioxidants help protect gums from cell damage and bacterial infection. 

*Good sources of antioxidants are berries, apples, raisins, nuts and grapes

Questions on whether your diet is harming your teeth? Dr. Taller screens all his patients teeth for dietary concerns. Contact Dr. Taller at Taller Dental located at 3601 Waldo Avenue, Riverdale, NY 10463. Call 718-543-3704 to make your appointment or schedule online.

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