Dr Taller Dental Your Dentist In Riverdale in the Bronx NY Dental Bonding Image

You may have heard of “dental bonding” but may not be sure what it is. It is a dental technique that a dentist has at his or her disposal for many different applications. You may be wondering how can it be used and is it something that could help me?

A common application is if you chip or crack your tooth, Dr. Taller can quickly and easily restore the  tooth. With dental bonding technology, chemical agents are used to adhere a tooth-colored resin material directly to your teeth so you can leave the dental office looking like nothing ever happened. Dr. Taller loves helping patients with this service when they’re in a pickle and think that all hope is lost. 

bonding image dental bonding Dr. Taller Dental

What else can dental bonding do? It can close “the gap”! If you want to close a gap between your teeth, you may be a candidate for bonding. For patients wanting to close any gaps, Dr. Taller takes measurements of the teeth in relation to facial profile to evaluate if dental bonding is right for the you. If bonding would make teeth look too big, clear aligners may be the better option for you, which Dr. Taller provides, as well. 

Wait… there’s more! Below is a list of some other applications for dental bonding:

  • Restoring decayed teeth 
  • Improving the appearance of discolored teeth.
  • Making teeth look longer.
  • Changing the shape of teeth.
  • A cosmetic alternative to amalgam aka “silver” fillings
  • Sealing an exposed tooth root when gums recede

Bonding BEFORE AND AFTER dental bonding Dr. Taller Dental

Why wouldn’t I want dental bonding?

Although dental bonding is a quick, versatile, and relatively inexpensive way to fix many dental problems, other options are porcelain restorations such as veneers or crowns. Porcelain is a stronger and smoother material than dental bonding resin. This makes porcelain more durable. Bonding may chip and stain faster, requiring more maintenance and frequency of replacing it over time. Often patients start with dental bonding to fix an issue and then upgrade to porcelain later. It’s important to have these discussions with your dentist to see which option is best for you. 

If you want to know if tooth bonding will fix your problem, contact Dr. Taller at Taller Dental, located at 3601 Waldo Avenue, Riverdale, NY 10463. Call 718-543-3704 to make your appointment or schedule online

© 2016 - Dr. Samuel H. Taller