Bleeding Gums

bleeding gum image Copy Bleeding Gums Dr. Taller Dental

BLEEDING GUMS ARE the most common symptom of gum disease, but that’s not the only thing that can cause this problem.

Let’s take a closer look at bleeding gums, the various causes, and what we can do about it.

Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Over time, plaque builds up along our gum lines if we aren’t careful enough in our brushing and flossing routines. Eventually, plaque hardens into tartar, which irritates the gums, making them more likely to bleed and leading to gingivitis, or gum disease.

More advanced gum disease is periodontitis, where the infection impacts the jaw and supportive tissues connecting the teeth to the gums as well as the gums themselves. Tooth loss is a major concern at this stage, so don’t let it get this far!

Overbrushing Damages Gum Tissue

It’s also possible (though uncommon) to damage gum tissue to the point of bleeding by brushing too hard. Remember when you’re brushing that you’re cleaning soft, living tissue, and gentle brushing is enough. It’s best to use a brush with soft bristles. One way you know you’re probably brushing too hard is if the bristles quickly become bent outward. More on Overbrushing and Receding Gums.


Flossing is great to help the gums. If you’re flossing for the first time in a while it can cause a little bleeding, but this should clear up after a few days.

Protecting Your Gum Health

The first step to having healthy gums is good dental hygiene. This includes twice-daily brushing for a full two minutes with that soft-bristled toothbrush, daily flossing, and twice-yearly visits to the dentist. You might also want to consider switching to an electric toothbrush. They’re better at cleaning and you’re less likely to brush too hard with them.

Let Dr. Taller take a look

If you’ve noticed your gums bleeding when you brush or if they’ve felt sore or swollen lately, the first thing to do is to schedule a dental appointment. We can determine what the source of the problem is and recommend the right next steps to take to get back to great gum health!

Our Riverdale Dental Office is located at 3601 Waldo Ave, Bronx, NY 10463

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